Sunday, July 20, 2003
Well, I offically turned down my opportunity to go to graduate school this fall. After a lot of prayer, discussion, and thinking, I decided it was the best decision on many levels. I made the call this past Friday, and though they were disappointed in my decision, they understood and wished me well on whatever I do next. I will also be able to get my deposit for my on campus living back, so that can go towards an apartment in Berea. I am actually updating my blogger here in Berea at the moment. I arrived this past Thursday and have been looking for jobs and apartments to get settled in ASAP. So far I have found a great apartment with EVERYTHING furnished (including washer/dryer, dishes, and furniture..etc etc), and I have applied for a few jobs. I will also be looking some tomorrow before I head home.
My official plans now are to apply for the Journeyman program, hoping to leave in March/May, depending on when and if I am approved and chosen. Also, I am praying about applying to some graduate schools/seminaries for the fall in case the Journeyman program doesn't work out. I read a scripture today in Ecclesiastes that (paraphrasing) that the man that always looks to clouds will not harvest, and the man that always looks to the sky will not sow. The commentary in my bible explained that if you keep waiting and waiting (being overly cautious), you will never accomplish anything. I also read this morning that you should "cast your bread upon the water, and in its due time it will come back to you." (Again, paraphrasing.) Anyway, I am carefully and prayerfully setting out to see where God will have me go next, even if that means hanging around Berea for a bit with a less-than-ideal job and serving Him at my church. Whatever you do, do it with all your might (I read that today in Ecclesiates too!).. and always be JOYFUL! There is so much that He is showing me now about a lot of things, all of which has to do with me completely surrendering all my wants, desires, dreams,... everything. I know that God will bring about whatever is best for me IN HIS TIME.. I've always known that. But it's so much harder to actually practice that, everyday, in all aspects of my life. So I want a husband someday to do ministry with? I give it to You, Father. So I want everything for me to work out so I can go serve God in Thailand this coming spring? I give my plans and my desires to You, Father. I want a job and place to sleep and live in the next few weeks? Lord, you know what I need and when I need it. I give it all to You, Father.. let me be so sensitive to Your spirit and Your instruction that I hear You as clearly as You want me to, and let me walk every step of my life in assurance that You have laid that step out for me before I even existed. Let everything that comes out of my heart, my mouth, my actions, and my life reflect YOUR goodness and YOUR power... and Your love, which is one of the greatest gifts you have ever given to me and those that have come to You with broken hearts. As this day begins, renew my spirit, and sharpen it so that I may reflect You to someone.. MANY someones today. I am never worthy of that privilege, but it is the very least I can do for You, God. Let my words be few before You, My Father and Holy God whom I serve.
My official plans now are to apply for the Journeyman program, hoping to leave in March/May, depending on when and if I am approved and chosen. Also, I am praying about applying to some graduate schools/seminaries for the fall in case the Journeyman program doesn't work out. I read a scripture today in Ecclesiastes that (paraphrasing) that the man that always looks to clouds will not harvest, and the man that always looks to the sky will not sow. The commentary in my bible explained that if you keep waiting and waiting (being overly cautious), you will never accomplish anything. I also read this morning that you should "cast your bread upon the water, and in its due time it will come back to you." (Again, paraphrasing.) Anyway, I am carefully and prayerfully setting out to see where God will have me go next, even if that means hanging around Berea for a bit with a less-than-ideal job and serving Him at my church. Whatever you do, do it with all your might (I read that today in Ecclesiates too!).. and always be JOYFUL! There is so much that He is showing me now about a lot of things, all of which has to do with me completely surrendering all my wants, desires, dreams,... everything. I know that God will bring about whatever is best for me IN HIS TIME.. I've always known that. But it's so much harder to actually practice that, everyday, in all aspects of my life. So I want a husband someday to do ministry with? I give it to You, Father. So I want everything for me to work out so I can go serve God in Thailand this coming spring? I give my plans and my desires to You, Father. I want a job and place to sleep and live in the next few weeks? Lord, you know what I need and when I need it. I give it all to You, Father.. let me be so sensitive to Your spirit and Your instruction that I hear You as clearly as You want me to, and let me walk every step of my life in assurance that You have laid that step out for me before I even existed. Let everything that comes out of my heart, my mouth, my actions, and my life reflect YOUR goodness and YOUR power... and Your love, which is one of the greatest gifts you have ever given to me and those that have come to You with broken hearts. As this day begins, renew my spirit, and sharpen it so that I may reflect You to someone.. MANY someones today. I am never worthy of that privilege, but it is the very least I can do for You, God. Let my words be few before You, My Father and Holy God whom I serve.
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