
Wednesday, June 04, 2003

Whew! We made it! My team and I arrived in Chaing Mai this afternoon. We were on a plane previous to that for about 24 hrs. The flight from Detroit, Michigan to Tokyo, Japan was the longest (about 12 1/2 hrs), but the flight from Tokyo to Bangkok, Japan felt the longest (only about 6 hrs.. the last flight before we could crash at a hotel in Bangkok). We got about 4hrs of sleep last night before catching another plane from Bangkok to Chaing Mai. Jet lag isn't really too bad, but I am feeling a little light-headed, and I kept waking up in the middle of the night.

Overall, it's been a great experience. I have had a chance to get to know some of my team a lot better (being squished together in a plane for hours can do that), and the people here are really friendly. Bangkok was crazy last night.. while we were loading a bus to go from the airport to the hotel an attendant had to pull me out of the way of a car. It wasn't too close of a call, but it was a little scary. But things are really cool here.. there are several internet cafes that we pay to use per hour (10 baht an hour.. about a quarter). We saw two Buddhist monks in the internet cafe.. that was pretty weird at first. :) Anyway, to wrap this post up I am going to enclose a journal entry I wrote on the plane flying over the Pacific Ocean. I'll try to keep you guys posted as the weeks progress. Until then, God be with you!

6/2 (or 3?)/03
I'm writing this entry in the dim light of the plane. All of the windows are closed to keep out the bright sunlight, even though it's approximately 2am EST. Our flight from Louisville to Detroit was a breeze- only about an hour in the back of the plane. We grabbed some lunch at the Chile's restaurant next to our departure gate to Tokyo. We almost missed our flight because they boarded amost 30 min. early. But it was no problem. That was at about 2:30pm. I'll let you do the math on how long we've been on this plane.
It's actually not been a bad trip. They've shown about 4 movies (some better than others-- I do not recommend "Shainghai Knights" if you haven't already seen it). I managed to get a couple hours of sleep, only to wake up to realize that half of my face or another part of my body had gone numb. But I actually feel somewhat rested, so here I am sitting and writing in my journal among my sleeping team mates.
I think they said that we would arrive at Tokyo at about 2:30 or 4:30am. After that, a brief layover in Tokyo, we have another flight to Bangkok, and then we can go to sleep for the night! The screen just came on, showing where we are on the map. They've been keeping us updated on it that way... our flight went from Detroit over and across Canada and Alaska. You could see the marshy peninsula of Alaska and some snow-crested mountains. We're almost to Tokyo now.. the plane is beginning to descend.

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