
Thursday, June 12, 2003

We are almost through our first week at North Chaing Mai College. Things are getting better all the time. The first couple of days the students wouldn't really talk to us or acknowledge us (we were told that they were shy because they don't speak English very well). However, yesterday was a real turning point. We have been assigned "buddies," which are Thai students who speak exceptionally good English. They have been busy for the most part, but yesterday they found us and invited us to eat lunch with them. It was really great, and since then more of the students have approached us and have tried to talk to us (I think it helps them if there are other Thai students there to help them when they get stuck). Actually, our buddies are taking us out to eat tonight. One of their sisters has a restaurant that serves American food, so they want to take us out and eat. I think they also want to take us to do a little shopping as well, so that will be fun.

We are also beginning to plan for our Friday night cell groups. During those times, we get to invite our new friends to a house that belongs to a farang (American/foreigner) couple. The couple who we are working with are Toby and Patricia. They seem like great people, and are very eager to meet with students and make them feel welcome. They are going to prepare some American food for the students, and we are planning some games, songs, and a little skit taken from the Bible (this week we want to use the story of David and Goliath). Hopefully this will be a way to very slowly introduce a little of Christianity to them without being too pushy. We have to be very careful not to come across that way. Eventually we hope that we will be able to introduce more a bible study at these meetings, but it will be very gradual. What we really are supposed to do is just set the foundation for a cell group. OH! Something really cool just happened about an hour ago. A student stopped one of my teammates in the hall and asked if we were Americans and if we were Christians. She said yes, and the student expressed that he was a Christian too, and was wondering if we were starting a cell group. You see, God has already began a work here at this college. That is extremely encouraging, and it also gives us hope. Please be praying for us as we get together with the students. It will be tomorrow evening for us, so that will be Friday morning about 7am-11am. If you are up at that time, please say a prayer for us that it will go well and that seeds are planted.

Last night all of the teams from the different universities got together at Quintin and Kim's house for bible study. It was so great seeing them.. it felt like it had been weeks since we saw them, even though it had only been about 2 days. We heard about some of the "adventures" some of them had experienced so far, one girl's being getting sick all day after eating food at an elementary school that her group is helping to teach at. She is better now, but we will still pray for good health while we're here. Kim (Quintin's wife) made some real lasagna and tossed salad for dinner, with chocolate cake and brownies for dessert. I don't think lasagna ever tasted so good; I ate two big portions, and sighed with contentment after the meal. The chocolate was treat too, since Thais really don't like to eat chocolate as a whole (I'll never figure that out). Anyway, after the meal we had some worship (I played guitar and a couple other teammates sang), which was really refreshing. I miss music more than anything here, since the only American music we hear is portions of pop music from the States. Anyway, the team also shared what God had been showing them since we separated. It sounds like everyone is learning patience and flexibility now.. I think we are learning to see God's blessings in the small things, especially when our attitudes can be a little sour. The culture thing can be hard sometimes, I'll admit. But when you compare our small outward inconveniences to some of our Thai friends inward needs and hurts, it seems like such a small sacrifice.

Well this is getting long (as usual), so I better get off here. I have a project for the summer here at N.C.C. that I'm supposed to help cultivate and organize: an English clinic. Pretty much it's something that students can come to and just practice speaking English in their free time. I am trying to come up with some ideas, like having a theme to talk about each day or something.. I think our supervisor liked the idea. We'll see what happens.. until tomorrow...

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